Sunday, April 6, 2014

Quote of the Day


So I have this thing with quotes, I absolutely love reading quotes and as I was scrolling down this one caught my eye. "Most problems in are because of 1 of 2 reasons 1: We act without thinking and 2: We think without acting." and it really hit me this is so true. Whenever we get ourselves in to troubles occur because we don’t think and just act. How many of us have said or done something without thinking and right when we said it we regretted it and just wished we could go back  and keep our mouth shut. Just saying this most likely brings memory in everyone head. I feel whenever I get an argument I say a lot of things that I really don’t mean and if I actually stopped and thought for a minute a lot of arguments would end a lot quicker. And the second one we keep thinking without acting. I am definitely guilty of this one, I can think of so many things I have thought of starting but never even started such as running, DIY projects, joining certain clubs in school, etc. The thing i am always thinking of is being bold and sharing my ideas. I tend to be very shy but I’m starting to get better at stop thinking of what people think of me and doing what I want to. Life is short, and at the end of the day you have to be satisfied with yourself so stop thinking and start doing!

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